By most accounts, Urdu dictionaries first appeared in the form of short, bilingual versified glossaries for young learners during the time of the Delhi sultanate (13th–16th c. CE). During the Mughal period, Urdu vocabulary increasingly found inclusion in Persian dictionaries compiled in India. European colonialism in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries produced explosion of interest among Orientalists in Urdu and other Indian languages, and the centuries witnessed an unprecedented number of bilingual dictionaries, including Urdu-English ones. In the present lesson, we’ll look at an entry in one such dictionary, John T. Platts’ A Dictionary of Urdu, Classical Hindi, and English (1884), commonly called “Platts.” With the ascent of Urdu as a language of governance under colonialism, the period also witnessed the compilation of the first extensive monolingual dictionaries in Urdu. We’ll look at an entry in the first complete monolingual Urdu dictionary, Farhang-e Āṣafiyah (1898–1908), which is still widely used and admired today. By all accounts the most comprehensive and detailed dictionary of Urdu is Urdu Lughat. Modeled on the Oxford English Dictionary, Urdu Lughat has been in production for the better part of five decades in Pakistan. The final volume of the dictionary was printed several years ago. Recently, the entire project has been digitized and put online. In what follows, we’ll closely study at an entry found in the online version.
One major shortcoming in most Urdu dictionaries is that they primarily contain lists of synonyms or single-word glosses, not specific definitions.
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One of the challenges of using a monolingual dictionary, particularly for students early in their journey with Urdu, is that one must know the meanings of the synonyms to understand the meaning of the entry word. One way to meet challenge is to use monolingual and bilingual dictionaries in tandem. Hence, when looking up words in the Farhang-e Āṣafiyah or Urdu Lughat, you might keep a copy of Platts handy. And instead of looking up the word in question in Platts first, try looking it up in one of the monolingual Urdu dictionaries, then using Platts to help you navigate the Urdu glosses, synonyms, and definitions. You are much more likely to gain a deeper appreciation for the meaning of words that way.